The Young Elites

My friend Yaiza was kind enough to send to me (and let me keep it!) her paperback since she had another copy.
Why did I choose this book?
She highly recommended it and experience has shown me we have similar taste.
As the beginning of the series is amazing. I already knew the main character wasn't your average hero and still I was mindblown. Adelina is a complex character who doesn't look forced at all. All the characters in the book have their own story to tell. I'm hoping to know a lot more about all of them throughout the series. The worldbuilding seems good enough for me. I don't remember any detail that put me off. I disagreed with some of the author's choices but in a biased point of view, not a quality one.
I'm looking forward to read the rest of the books as soon as I can get my hands on them.
"Nobody wants you to be yourself. They want you to be the version of yourself that they like."